Yinzerdad, thank you for revealing your personal experiences to us. I’m sure your blubbing session at the therapy group was actually cathartic.
Not everyone HAS to be passionate, many are happy ‘foot-soldiers’ in life who look after their families and thoughtfully support them in every way which is not only valuable for the next generation but is a source of stability and satisfaction to oneself and all loved ones.
Nevertheless your little break-down indicates that you are aware of the problems arising from a JW childhood. This is a sad consequence of being brought up in a narrow authoritarian cult. The effect for many is that imagination and experiment and normal helpful childhood experiences are sacrificed in the name of “serving God” (in reality serving the interests Watchtower organisation). This leads up to a person who is lacking the needed preparation to flourish in the real world as an adult... but instead is left ideally kitted out mentally and emotionally to slave as another Watchtower drone.
This harmful JW practice removes the chances of building an integrated and balanced and confident child, at least where the parents blindly follow the dire “theocratic” advice.
However you have two things which are a sound platform from which to work: You are young... and you have an education beyond the expectations of most JWs. You still have great opportunities in life ahead of you. You are also doing something about your depression, this is very good... and be happy that you have taken the effort to do so. As a JW the only things for which you might have received commendation were to do with the wretched religion. The therapy should help you see who you actually are, not the person you were reared as a pawn in a publishing company’s master plan!
With freedom from those old constraints nagging in the back of your mind, it is likely that you will find many things that the real you will be passionate about. All the best to you and do keep posting.